Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sweet Sunday...

Hellloooo. Another Sweet Sunday has come to an end and Monday is looming on the horizon. Sigh. (I always refer to Sundays as "Sweet Sundays". lol. I try to make them the sweetest days of my week, whether I garden, read, knit, go for a walk, take a day trip - you get the idea.)

Yesterday was an extremely busy day - my middle son just kicked off a new season of baseball so we all went to opening ceremonies at the park for photos and introductions. Gorgeous sunny day for it!

Then it was off to his opening game

He and the team won 28-1! It was quite a game!

Today, my Sunday was sweet as I deliciously did nothing but flit around the house. I planted some pansies in the pot by the front fence. I picked daffodils and brought them in so the room would fill with their perfume. I've waited all winter - I'll enjoy them as much as possible. :)

I poured through the Sunday paper, made french toast w/strawberries for the crew, caught up on laundry, and snuck in some knitting time on my Tea Leaves Cardigan. I absolutely looove the Madelinetosh Vintage in alabaster. I'm hoping to finish it to wear on Easter. fingers x'd. :)

In shop news, I just listed a charming pair of milk glass lamps - very sweet. They just need lampshades!

I will leave you today with new eye candy inspired by my son's opening game :)

I wish you all a happy week ahead!

~ Jessica

1 comment:

  1. Awwe.. looks like you had a wonderful weekend. :) Hope this coming one is just as better.

